March 3, 2025

馬灣復活節採蛋節 Ma Wan Easter Egg Hunt 2025

馬灣復活節採蛋節門票現已開始發售 | 超過五萬份贈品及獎品大放送

Get Ready for the Ma Wan Easter Egg Hunt! Over 50,000 Goodies and Prizes!


除咗刺激嘅沙灘採蛋環節之外,當日仲會有連串精彩表演同埋唔同嘅攤位遊戲,俾大家盡情享受節日氣氛。活動歡迎大家帶埋寵物一齊參與、一齊喺沙灘上面尋找復活蛋,並可以喺獎品攤位兌換豐富禮品。每個採蛋時段都有超過4,000隻復活節彩蛋及合共多過50,000份獎品,包括唔同美味巧克力,糖果,現金券 , 挪亞方舟主題公園門票、調味料福袋及精彩豐富大獎等緊你來發掘!


馬灣復活節採蛋節2025 門票及套票即日起開始網上發售,票價如下:




Mark your calendars for April 19, 2025 (Sat), because the Cafe de Coral Proudly Sponsors: Ma Wan Easter Egg Hunt is bouncing back with a bang! We’re thrilled to announce that Cafe De Coral is joining us as our title sponsor to make this event even more spectacular!

What to Expect – Over 4,000 Easter Eggs waiting to be found! More than 50,000 amazing prizes including:

  • Mouth-watering chocolates
  • Sweet candies
  • Exciting cash vouchers
  • Noah’s Ark Hong Kong Theme Park’s entry tickets
  • And so much more!

In addition to the excitement of the beach egg hunt, there will be a series of thrilling performances and games at different booths for everyone to enjoy the festive atmosphere. Pets are welcome to join the event and hunt for eggs on the beach, which can be exchanged for fabulous gifts at the prize booths.

On the day of the event, there will also be special offers from community and Ma Wan restaurants. Participants can present their entry bracelets to enjoy different cuisines at discounted prices at partner restaurants in the Ma Wan community and experience the warmth and vibrancy of the Ma Wan community. *Stay tuned our Partner restaurants list!

Tickets and packages are now available:

🐣$200 for single ticket

🐣🐣🐣$550 for a family of 3

🐣🐣🐣🐣$650 for a family of 4

記得關注埋馬灣復活節採蛋節嘅Facebook 活動專頁以及希望枝子嘅社交平台,唔好錯過即將公佈嘅活動細節啦!

Stay tuned for ticket info and all the exciting details coming your way next week! You won’t want to miss this!

Learn More about Ma Wan Easter Egg Hunt:

The Easter Egg Hunt has been run on Ma Wan Island since 2011, bringing together the local community as well as thousands from across all of Hong Kong. We can’t wait to see friends and families scramble across the beach hunting area, searching for eggs that they can redeem at the prize tables afterwards!

Entertainment and game booths set up at the venue provide endless fun for those who aren’t busy egg hunting, whilst food and refreshments are provided by generous event sponsors or can be accessed at local eateries nearby.

All proceeds from the event will go towards Branches of Hope, a registered charity supporting refugees and asylum seekers as well as survivors of human trafficking. Its mission is “To restore Dignity, Justice, and Hope to the vulnerable and marginalized in Hong Kong.”