

STOP provides case management support and protection for those who 1) are forced, deceived, or coerced into labour conditions, and 2) have suffered from unfair treatment (for example not receiving holiday, late payment, unequal treatment, etc.) in their employment in Hong Kong.

By providing financial aid and wraparound services, STOP aims to remove barriers that prevent exploited migrant workers from accessing legal justice. Ensuring that their basic survival needs are met is crucial to empowering them to pursue justice within the legal system in Hong Kong. To help survivors navigate the legal process and seek compensation, STOP also connects them to legal aid organizations and provides access to professional counsellors and therapists to address the psychological trauma that often accompanies trafficking experiences. Ultimately, our goal is to secure justice for victim-survivors of exploitation in the long run.

What challenges do human trafficking survivors face?

  • Physical and psychological trauma
  • Lack of access to justice
  • Language barrier
  • Livelihood challenges after leaving the trafficker
  • Stigma and discrimination
  • Victim blaming
  • and more…

What STOP’s Care Program provide

  • Crisis intervention
  • Emergency Assistance
  • Paralegal assistance and accompaniment to courts and tribunals
  • Referral to professional services, i.e. legal service, counselling services, interpretation services
  • And more…

Please consider making a donation to support our efforts to help at-risk communities. Your contribution can make a significant difference in our ability to sustain comprehensive support and protection to survivors of trafficking and those who are vulnerable to exploitation.