STOP Research_Press Release_Eng.pdf – Google 雲端硬碟: A Pathway To Justice Or A Road To Nowhere? Report Amplifies Survivors’ Perspectives and Shows Opportunities for Progress in Hong Kong’s Fight Against Human Trafficking
STOP Research_Press Release_Chinese.pdf – Google 雲端硬碟: 「窮途義路?」——研究報告以倖存者角度探討改善香港打擊人口販運措施

STOP Response to CB case_20220429_TC_final.pdf – Google 雲端硬碟: 希望枝子 STOP 就高等法院對 CB 司法覆核案件的判決表示歡迎
US 2019 TIP report press statement – bilingual.pdf – Google 雲端硬碟: STOP’s response to Hong Kong’s upgrade to Tier 2 in 2019 US TIP Report | STOP. 回應香港於美國 2019 年《 人口販運報告》 第二級評級