June 18, 2018


Finding affordable housing remains one of the most challenging issues for asylum seekers in Hong Kong. Dev* fled India and arrived in Hong Kong. He was homeless, and spent sleepless nights on the streets of Wan Chai, often falling asleep while sitting up. On rainy days, he took shelter with other homeless people at the underground walkway in Happy Valley.

After several months, he came to VCSL and joined the Asian fellowship. He started coming regularly to our weekly gatherings and became an active member. Learning of his homelessness, our RAS team reached out to Dev and acted on his behalf to engage with the housing agency and landlords. A few months later, he was finally able to secure an affordable home under the VCSL RAS Assistance Programme, now called Secret Angel sponsorship programme. Apart from receiving monthly support, he felt genuinely loved and cared for.

“I was homeless for 6 months. VCSL helped me talk to landlord and agencies to get this place (current home). Different people from church cared for me. Before I was totally hopeless but VCSL gave me the strength to continue live in HK. I want to say Thank You.”

*Name has changed.

Please note: Effective 12 March 2018, Vine Community Services Limited (VCSL) has changed its official name to Branches of Hope Limited.