June 26, 2020


Ahmad* recently completed his associates degree and is now pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Business and Technology.

Before any of these achievements, he faced major challenges navigating through the education system as he did not have access to support. There was a time when he was accepted into one of Hong Kong’s top universities; however, upon realising his status, his registration was withdrawn. The tuition money he had saved and raised was returned to him. He had to start all over but he did not give up. He succeeded in obtaining special permission from the government to allow him to attend university.

Currently, Branches of Hope supports Ahmad* through the Post-Secondary Education Assistance programme. Despite the challenges faced, this process of fighting for his right and access to education made him more confident to socialise in society. The experience also contributed greatly to the development of his skills.

Due to his asylum seeker status which does not allow him to work, his biggest worry is not being able to find a job after he graduates. Nonetheless, this does not hinder his dedication and hard work as he understands that education is the key to his future.

Through education, Ahmad* seeks to gain wisdom and knowledge in order to support him through his entire life, even if he may not be able to work immediately.

He would like to encourage the people of Hong Kong to be more open and understanding towards other cultures, society and people. Many things in this safe region might not last forever, but individuals may form lasting relationships.


*Photo is used for illustration purpose only.

*Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.