本詞典共載有185條常見人口販運相關詞彙及解釋。除英語詞語外,亦附有廣東話翻譯和俚語解釋等。詞典由多名本地的前線工作者、國際組織的顧問、律師和大學講師等協助修訂及編輯。 我們認為若要令有關反人口販運的討論有意義,必須在討論的過程當中使用一套令公眾明白的共同語言。這本英粵詞典是香港首本同類的詞典,出版目的旨在增進本地廣東話群體對人口販運的認識和了解。詞典當中的廣東話俚語解釋,例如「賣豬仔」、「放蛇」和「黑工」等,是為了幫助讀者明白人口販運與日常生活息息相關。
This glossary currently contains 185 English human trafficking terms and counting, as well as Cantonese slang phrases which are commonly used and their explanations. This glossary is the culmination of hard work by the STOP. team, alongside numerous other individuals passionate in the fight against human trafficking. It has been thoroughly reviewed and edited by experienced practitioners, academic including university professors and lawyers from Hong Kong. Our aim in producing and publishing this glossary is to educate the public shedding light and providing standardized definitions of human trafficking terms for the Cantonese speaking community. We believe this glossary is the beginning of the conversation.
「香港人口販運英粵詞典」Human Trafficking Glossary of Terms Used in Hong Kong by stophk – Issuu: 「香港人口販運英粵詞典」Human Trafficking Glossary of Terms Used in Hong Kong