東南亞求職騙案│保安局接獲求助累計39宗 18人確認安全

https://www.881903.com/news2/local/2453962: 商業電台:Aug 2022



https://theinitium.com/article/20220824-whatsnew-hongkong-southeast-asia-human-trafficking-hong-kong-victims/: 端傳媒:Aug 2022

{打擊人口販賣達人}黃筱媛 土炮組織:受騙唔係蠢 港版人口販運 日日上演

詐騙營調查|01專訪多個NGO 分析港人被人口販賣處境及解困方法


保持通話LIVE|希望枝子「停止人口販運STOP」團隊 講解東南亞詐騙集團販運人口嚴重情況

2022 08 18 – 人口販運 馮智政 特別嘉賓 黃筱媛

Coronavirus pandemic bodes ill for Hong Kong’s trafficking survivors and domestic workers.

As the pandemic rages on, increased economic hardship and declining living and working conditions provide ripe conditions for forced labour and human trafficking to flourish
Sick domestic workers left homeless and jobless in Hong Kong after catching Covid-19, highlights a deeper problem.
Sick domestic workers left homeless and jobless in Hong Kong after catching Covid-19, highlights a deeper problem | South China Morning Post (scmp.com): South China Morning Post: Apr 2022


HKFP rounds up fundraising campaigns, calls for in-kind donations, volunteering opportunities, and mental health services offering support to the city’s most marginalised communities.
HKFP Guide: How to support Hong Kong’s refugees, domestic workers & most vulnerable during Covid-19 – Hong Kong Free Press HKFP (hongkongfp.com): Hong Kong Free Press: Feb 2022